Electrical Safety Poster Contest

Get Creative, Get Safe!

Calling all 3rd and 4th-grade students, it’s time to showcase your artistic talents while spreading awareness about electrical safety.

Contest Details


Contest Rules:

  • Eligibility: The contest is open to 3rd and 4th-grade students attending school within HEA’s service area. To qualify, the student’s parents or guardian must be active members of HEA.
  • Submission: Entries must be submitted to your local HEA office by April 15, 2024. Remember, the clock is ticking!
  • Safety Message: Your poster must carry an essential electrical safety message. Safety is paramount, so make sure your message shines through.
  • Personal Details: Don’t forget to write your name, address, school, grade, teacher’s name, and school phone number clearly on the back of your masterpiece.
  • Artistic Creativity: Your poster should be your own creation, drawn by your talented hands. No stenciled letters, patterns, or computer images, please. We value your creativity!
  • Size and Materials: Keep your poster size under 8-1/2” x 11” and create it on heavy paper or poster board. Crayons, paint, or markers are excellent choices, but avoid using pencils as they don’t copy well. Your poster must meet all contest rules to qualify for judging.

Let Your Imagination Spark!

Electrical safety can be fun and informative at the same time. Use your artistic skills to make a powerful safety statement through your poster. Remember, your poster has the potential to make a real impact on your community!

Have Questions?

If you have any questions about the contest or are interested in a safety demonstration, feel free to reach out to us at prteam@homerelectric.com. We’re here to help you shine a spotlight on electrical safety while having a blast with your creative flair!

So, young artists, get those creative juices flowing, put your safety thinking caps on, and let’s make the 2024 Electrical Safety Poster Contest a shockingly good success! Don’t miss out on the chance to win exciting prizes and, most importantly, promote electrical safety in your community!

2023 Electrical Safety Poster Winners:
Best Safety Message:  Madalynn Schwenk | K-Beach Elementary School | 4th Grade
Most CreativeWilla Morgan | Soldotna Elementary School l 3rd Grade
Most HumorousSomiya Scott | Soldotna Elementary School  | 3rd Grade